cant validate a many to many association

Hello everyone,   As shown in the image below, on one side I have an Entity called Buyer and on the other end Branch. They share a many to many association. When I try to validate on this association, I don’t find it. It is not available in options (as shown in the image). What can I do now to validate this association? When I try to retrieve the list of Branches, then I don’t see that either in options.  
2 answers

Hi Manish, 

This association will return list. We can't validate the list of objects in the decision split. Can you try to retrieve the specific Branch before validating.


Hi Manish,


As there are multiple objects form Buyer you need to retrieve list of branch by Association from Buyer. If you need to check any attribute in the branch entity add a loop over list of branch. And then validate in the Iteration loop.

If you just want to check if there is association or not, Check the retrieved list whether empty or not.



