Difference between Reference selector, Reference set selector and Input reference set selector

Hi All, What is the difference between these 3 (Reference selector, Reference set selector and Input reference set selector). IN which scenarios we can use them respectively. 
2 answers

Hi Trishla,


The Reference Selector is intended to select an attribute of an associated (*:1 or 1:1) entity of the object in your data view.


The Reference Set Selector is intended to select an attribute of an associated (*:*) entity of the object in your data view.


The Input Reference Set Selector is intended to select an attribute of an associated (*:*) entity of the object in your data view. It creates a popup page for you to select multiple relations.


See the documentation links Srilatha posted.


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Check out the following :
Reference Selector : https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/reference-selector/

Reference Set Selector : https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/reference-set-selector/

Input Reference Set Selector : https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/input-reference-set-selector/ 
