Deeplink and page url

Hello,   What is the use of deeplink and page url, I have gone to the documents but its application/usage is not clear to me. Please let me know their applications and also let me know the difference between them like in whic scenario need to use deeplink and in which scenario need to use page url.   Please help me out as its urgent. Thanks
1 answers

Hi there,


Using a deeplink allows you to direct a user to a specific location in an app with context. Unlike Page URLs, this triggers a microflow to handle to deeplink request. This allows this solution to be customisable through the triggered microflow (page URLs don’t do this and therefore are limited to displaying pages).


Page URLs can be used in a similar way to direct users to a page, however, non-persistent objects aren’t supported with this method.


This form post gives some additional information on deeplink usage.



Hope this helps,


