Button disabled inside non-persistent context

I wanted to have anonymous users agree to some terms and conditions before navigating to a page they have access to. I built a simple "EULA" entity with a checkbox called "Iagree". When the page first loads, a microflow creates a EULA object and the idea was the "Proceed" button is only visible when the checkbos is checked. For this example I just made it 100% visible.   The button is set to navigate to another page. When i run it. it doesn't go anything. Its disabled. I added a Proceed2 button copy outside the context and it runs just fine.    I tried changing it to a microflow as well... nothing. Why are buttons disabled inside non persistable entiy contexts? I don't want to have named users and do anything complicated. I just wanted to have a button that becomes visible once an anonymous user clicks a checkbox and I don't want to have to write HTML/Javascript code from scratch, but it looks like I might have to  
2 answers

From your explanation, I understand the Anonymous role has access to the entity already. Because without that, your terms and conditions page might not load properly.


If the button is not doing anything or if the button is disabled, then anonymous role does not have permission on the target microflow or page. So, check for the target microflow or page and apply proper roles.


One thing I still dont understand is your explanation about "Proceed2" button. But anyway, you could check the above point and respond.


Anonymous has access to all the microflows and pages targetd by button. Odd thing is I deleted the dataview, recreated it exactly as before and it started working. Weird
