How to make my customer access customer specific homepage without login in the app as an anonymous?

I have created a food ordering app. I have created a specific role based homepage for customer where they can see the list of food items. The things is I want customers to access this customer specific homepage to be accessed without login in my app as an anonymous. I know there is an option of anonymous which i have enabled for customer user role but still when I reload the app the login page is visible. Can anyone please help me out with the same pleasE? I have also attached the screenshots below.   Customer rolled based homepage:   On clicking the check out the food menu button the below screen is visible:
1 answers

Hey Harsh!


If you have set a specific home page for the anonymous users but the anonymous user don't have enough rights to access all the resources they will see the sign-in page, as you can read here:*vatz6j*_ga*MTcxNTk5NzgwNy4xNjk2OTQyOTE1*_ga_4PE2C4QFC7*MTcwMDU1NjUxNi40NjcuMS4xNzAwNTU3NTk5LjU2LjAuMA..#:~:text=4.3-,Authentication,-If%20an%20anonymous


The sign in page is the one that you have configured on the navigation:

