I have LastPass installed as a Firefox extension. Disabling it solved the issue.
I have the same issue, I also use the LastPass extension. It started after updating to Firefox 132.0.2.
Disabling Lastpass didn't solve the issue for me, but also disabling the Bitwarden pluging did. Apparently having any password manager pluging enabled triggers this issue.
Bitwarden is already aware of the problem (if you set the autofill option to off it is also solved in the bitwarden extension). They will fix it in an upcoming release of the plugin.
I also use firefox and I do not have these problems. Could you elaborate on where exactly you did get this error? Then I can try the same on my end. But my guess is that there is something else is going on here.
For example, the link "See User Profile" (https://developerprofiles.mendix.com/index3.html) brings me correctly to my profile page on Chrome, but shows me the error above on Firefox. From the consol it seems to be related to some mxui.js file.
The error is still present.
Disable lastpass.
Try Disable LastPass extension.
Disabling LastPass extension by itself doesn't solve the issue for me. I also had to disable the BitWarden extension.
Looks like any (at least the two I tried) password manager plugins need to disabled before Mendix apps work in Firefox