Using different URLs for different pages (much like Deep Linking)

Hi all, Mendix uses AJAX type navigation to move between pages. That is, there's just a single URL for the application and all pages are contained within that URL. What I'm looking to do is to allow the application to use different URLs for different pages, in the same way that traditional non-AJAX websites do. I know of the deep linking module, which handles this, but, are there any other ways that this can be done in Mendix? I'm just trying to figure out all of my options concerning this specific need.
2 answers

As of Mendix 6.7.0, you can add the URL as a property of a page:

The URL of the page can be used to directly navigate to the page, e.g. from external links or bookmarks. It will be shown in the address bar of the browser when you visit the page. When navigating to a page without a URL configured, the last visited URL is shown. Note that the full URL of the page will be the base URL of your application followed by /p and then by the configured URL of the page, e.g. Only pages that do not need an object can have a URL.


I believe Deeplink is designed to handle situations similar to your situation. I have had that same requirement and it handled it well.
