$CurrentDeviceType does not recognize a tablet with Windows 10 running in tablet Modus

Dear community, The project must support both Desktop and Tablet users. For some functionalities there are differences between the desktop and tablet users to improve usability (swiping vs paging). The users can use both device types at any given moment. For Ipads/Android tablets this is not a problem as the $CurrentDeviceType will be set accordingly. However, for Windows 10 with Tablet Modus this fails and keeps stating the device is Desktop.    My question:  Anyone else encountered this problem and found a way to identify users running on windows 10 with Tablet Modus on? 
2 answers


We've found a solution for our problem by focusing on the fact that tablets don't have mouse but point with their fingers. It is therefore solved via classes. 

There are 2 classes, each assigned to the corresponding element: First class to show the function for desktop users, 2nd class to show the function for tablet users. the expression @media (pointer:coarse) evaluates which one is relevant.

.container-nonTouchDevice {   // DESKTOP
  display: block;

.container-touchDevice {      // TABLET
  display: none;

@media (pointer:coarse) {
  .container-nonTouchDevice {   // DESKTOP
    display: none;

  .container-touchDevice {      // TABLET
    display: block;


We had the same issue. Especially with SurfaceTab tablets. These tablets report themselves as laptops, even when in tablet mode.We ended up giving the users the URL with ?profile=tablet in it. Not nice but it solved the issue.
