platformbar is obscuring my top menu... help me make it go away!

For some reason, the platformbar is sitting right on top of my top navigation. I have a couple of projects. In one, there is no platformbar showing (hooray!) and in the other it's right on top of my company logo and topnav. Both are based on the same theme (I copied the theme from one to the other). Platformbar adds zero value to me... In fact it detracts since I can neither see nor test my navigation. How to I get rid of it? I have seen a post about "removing it from the layout" but I don't see where it's called by any layout.
1 answers

The Mendix Profile menu widget ('platformbar') is positioned in the Navigation Layouts.

You could open the Navigation Layouts in your project and remove the Mendix Profile menu widget from the relevant Layouts.


Ps You could also replace the Navigation Layouts modules by the one from the App store, if you do not use the App Cloud Services module in your project. This module does not contain the Mendix Profile Menu widget & Mendix AppSwitcher widgets in the Navigation Layouts.



* (Navigation Layouts modules has dependency on this module)


(Note: there's also a Navigation Layouts module in the App store with dependency on App Cloud Services module, this one does contain both widgets)
