Wizard Template - Connecting Line?

When I look at ux.mendixcloud.com and view the wizard page template, I see this: However, when I create a new wizard page in my model (which is using Silver Linings theme), I see this: I would like to have the connecting line in my pages that I see in the theme creator.  Any pointers about how to add that in? ***EDIT*** As David said, the class row is contained in the default SilverLinings theme.  Next question is how to get it into my model.  When I create a default wizard page, it is structured like this: The outer container has these classes:  pageheader-fullwidth pageheader Each column has this class:  wizard-step Each button has this class: wizard-step-number Each title has this class: wizard-step-title  So where (and how) do I reference the row class? Thanks in advance!
2 answers

I think you're missing just one more class:

On your layoutcontainer (which has all the steps with weight 2) as a whole (and not on the row level), add "wizard" as class. That should kickstart it.


I think this bit of the CSS on that page produces the line:

.wizard .row::before {
    background-color: #ccc;
    bottom: 0;
    content: " ";
    height: 1px;
    left: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 40px;
    width: 100%;

