How does the $currentDeviceType detected? And why should I use a tablet/phone profile and not a responsive desktop profile?

Hi all,   I was reading the navigation documentation about the possibilities to set navigation profiles per device type and have some questions about the application of those navigation profiles.   1 - How does the $currentDeviceType determine the device (is that based on a screen width/@media rule or something? could I manipulate it in order to exclude some widths?) 2 - In order to make the app responsive, what would be the main reason for choosing the tablet navigation profile instead of defining just the desktop navigation profile and making that responsive by changing the css? (the fact that with a nav profile custom homepage, microflows could be set up?) 3 - If there is set a tablet nav profile, this still needs some css changes for some widths it seems to me that it is better to just use a phone version and make that responsive by changing the css, without a tablet nav profile.   What do you guys thingk/advice?   thanks
2 answers

Hi Enzo, please see the custom settings here: :


Web client settings

The following settings influence the behavior of the Mendix web client.

PhoneUserAgentRegEx and TabletUserAgentRegEx



I agree depending on the your application you can get away with designing one or two of the three device type.  I tend to use one mostly making desktop responsive and put different css classes based on devices. 

Only time I had to create separate css version for tablet and phone was one when I had 5 step wizard setup showing vertically in mobile and horizantaly in table. However most scenarios would be covered by phone in mind.
