Ios app deployed using phonegap but never passes after splashscreen

Hallo, We created a mobile app and we wanted to deploy it on a apple device. We finally have the deployment working but when we start the app we first see the phonegap logo and then the loading screen. The app is stuck in this loading screen and i have no idea why or how to figure out why. The app is deployed using a enterprise certificate and the developer has been added as trusted on the device. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The app is installed using the link (supplied within a QR code) given by phonegap, not the app store.
2 answers

In this forum post you can learn how to debug phonegap builds:





If the app is failing to load it is usually to a bad widget included in the app. You will probably need to debug using something like winre or phonegap debug tools to see if there is a javascript error. Infinite loading screen usually suggests a javascript widget issue.

You will only have an issue with certificates when building the app in phonegap or when installing it on your device. Since you have been able to do that we can rule out certificate issues.


