Mendix SDK failed to open new online working copy Mx7.3

Hi everyone,   We are trying to use Mendix SDK to open a Mendix application. Everything works fine in Mendix <=7.1.0 However, when we open Mendix application in Mx7.3.0, there is error: "Failed to open new online working copy e48axxxxc for project"   We already upgrade Mendix modelsdk -> 3.3.0 platformsdk-> 2.0.0 Do you know how to fix this issue?   Best regards,  
3 answers

Mendix Model SDK 4.0.0 has support for Mendix 7.3.0

This Model SDK version depends on the Mendix Platform SDK 4.0.0


I'm working with Mendix Platform SDK 4.0.0. with Mendix 7.3

I still get the message "Failed to open new online working copy.."

Is there a solution?



The modelsdk  version I use is 4.0.0. The script worked for me under 6.9.1. In that script I created twice a workingcopy. I found out that the first one works and  that the second one doesn't. If I make a script with only the second creating of a workingcopy, the script doesn't work.


The first creation of the workingcopy (works!)


const project = new Project(client, projectId, projectName);


client.platform().createOnlineWorkingCopy(project, new Revision(revNo, new Branch(project, branchName)))

    .then(workingCopy => workingCopy.model().allDomainModels().forEach(dm => loadAsPromise(dm)

    .then(loadeddm => {loadeddm.entities.forEach(printEntity)

    return loadeddm}) 

    .then(loadeddm => {loadeddm.associations.forEach(printAssociation)

    return loadeddm})


        () => {

            /* console.log("Done."); */


        error => {

            console.log("Something went wrong:");







The second creation of the working (give a failed to open new online workingcopy)


client.platform().createOnlineWorkingCopy(project, new Revision(revNo, new Branch(project, branchName)))

    .then(workingCopy => workingCopy.model().allMicroflows())

    .then(microflows => loadAllMicroflows(microflows))

    .then(microflows => microflows.forEach(printMicroflowAnnotation))


        () => {



        error => {

            console.log("Something went wrong:");



