Mendix Model SDK 4.0.0 has support for Mendix 7.3.0
This Model SDK version depends on the Mendix Platform SDK 4.0.0
I'm working with Mendix Platform SDK 4.0.0. with Mendix 7.3
I still get the message "Failed to open new online working copy.."
Is there a solution?
The modelsdk version I use is 4.0.0. The script worked for me under 6.9.1. In that script I created twice a workingcopy. I found out that the first one works and that the second one doesn't. If I make a script with only the second creating of a workingcopy, the script doesn't work.
The first creation of the workingcopy (works!)
const project = new Project(client, projectId, projectName);
client.platform().createOnlineWorkingCopy(project, new Revision(revNo, new Branch(project, branchName)))
.then(workingCopy => workingCopy.model().allDomainModels().forEach(dm => loadAsPromise(dm)
.then(loadeddm => {loadeddm.entities.forEach(printEntity)
return loadeddm})
.then(loadeddm => {loadeddm.associations.forEach(printAssociation)
return loadeddm})
() => {
/* console.log("Done."); */
error => {
console.log("Something went wrong:");
The second creation of the working (give a failed to open new online workingcopy)
client.platform().createOnlineWorkingCopy(project, new Revision(revNo, new Branch(project, branchName)))
.then(workingCopy => workingCopy.model().allMicroflows())
.then(microflows => loadAllMicroflows(microflows))
.then(microflows => microflows.forEach(printMicroflowAnnotation))
() => {
error => {
console.log("Something went wrong:");