Let us know what you guys think of the new designs.

As some of you may have noticed, community.mendix is getting a design update. Let us know what you guys think of the new designs. All feedback is helpful in understanding the new direction.
9 answers

The ability to close the 'New Forum design' message :)

Also all the added information is helpful, but an alternative more clean view could be useful as well!


Actually I like it. The readability is improved and clear split between questions and ideas.  Searching is improved. Easy filtering.

2 remarks.

  1. Every now and then I scan the forum for non-answered questions. I can not distinguish between
    1. Old not relevant not-answered questions
    2. Answered questions with answers in the comments
    3. Questions with answers which are comments
  2. I would like to see my-answered questions to check these answers were sufficient.


Ok, 1 has nothing to do with the design, just a general remark




I would love to have option to switch to a more compact design. Now in one window, i only can see 3 or 4 questions.


When I open the search box and click on a result it should open it in a new browser tab instead of the current one. Because then you loose your search :)

And indeed a bit more compact would be nice. And in the Idear forum part the number of votes a post got is real small while in that part of the forum that info is one of the most interesting iparts.





Minor thing. But I noticed that when I paste links in an answer it's not automatically a clickable link. Would be nice if I would not need to use the "add link" function of the WYSIWYG editor.


The section with information about the question could be somewhat bigger then it is now.

It would be nice if you filter results on the right that it is clear that your results are being refreshed. Besides this, I also experienced some delay which causes incorrect filter settings, so if you check or uncheck a few things after each other sometimes the selected list doesn't match anymore after the last refresh of the results. So items which you unchecked are suddenly checked again and vice versa.


The source option when making a search is very usefull. The spacing on the search part could be less to show more content of the question/answer. 
You could move or remove the RSS Feed button, the search button is now a bit hard to find. 
Sort by 'Most popular' does not work, an error has occured. 

The part thats shows the images of who did respond to a question takes quitte some space. Personally I would like to see more content of the question.


The search button (top right) will be replaced with a search bar in the upcoming release. More improvements to come.


I think it looks decent and can see how you have made it more responsive.  What do the green highlights on the left border of the question boxes on the main page signify?
