Pageheader height

Hi, Does anybody know how/ where I can change the height of the pageheader (-class), or some other way to achieve that goal efficiently and effectively? Below I posted an example: I want to be able to change the height of the horizontal lightblue area, which is used in every page of the app, so I'm looking for a (the) central place to do so, which I reckon should exist somewhere. (For a comparison: I know where to change the height of the horizontal top (navigation) bar, so know I'm looking for the same for the bar below it.)   I've found a sass file in the Mendix app directory (see second page of the printscreen), but no height there.  Maybe I'm approaching this issue completely wrong (and one can change this very easily within the Modeler), so do feel free to think differently than I've been doing! Regards, Joris  
1 answers

Install devtools for Chrome of Firefox. When you open that up you have a button to inspect an element of your screen. There you will see the class that is used on that element. You can then either adjust that class or if you only want to change that specific element change the style in the properties of that form. See screenshot for example of the element inspection. (and use the download image to see it full)






For learning some devtools this one might be interesting for Chrome:

