Data Grid Selection Options

Hello, My client wishes to be able to select more than 5,000 records from a data grid and run some simple microflows with that list. However, they would like to be able to do this from data grids which have more than 200,000 records in total. If all 200,000 records are selected and passed into these microflows it will crash the system. The issue I am facing is that using the Select All (Page) button has a limit of 1000 records that can be selected and if I were to use the Select All (All) button it leaves the system very vulnerable to crash since all 200,000 records would be available to be selected.  Is there a way to expand the limits of the Select Page to more than 1000 records? I feel I cannot use the Select All (All) setting because of the crash risk. Thank you
1 answers

You will need an helper entity for the selection and then batch process the list. Create an helper entity and in the datagrid you can place a button to add current list of selected records to the helper entity by setting a reference (so retrieve the first helper entity if not found create it and add the list to this helper entity). Place another button on the datagrid that  process the selected records. In this microflow retrieve again the first helper object and retrieve with batches (see the documentation on batches) the records that have a reference with your helper entity. Then clear the list afterwards or delete the helper entity.



