Editing an image or document from within a Mendix-screen

Hi all, Due to the implementation of privacy regulations from the European Union into our own systems, we want to offer our clients the possibility to upload documents or images to our internal system and give them the possibility to directly edit the document or image right from the Mendix screen, before actually uploading the document or image. An example can be erasing the personal identification number on a drivers license or passport, because clients are not obliged to give us that kind of information. So, I am looking for an option to be able to edit a document or image (e.g. erasing or wipe out some parts of the image) right from a Mendix-screen. Of course I know that there are stand alone third party apps to do so, but those apps are not accessible from a Mendix-screen. Any thoughts on this?   Regards, RenĂ©
1 answers

For the image, I'd suggest creating a custom widget that adds the image to an HTML canvas. Add some drawing functionality and use the data URL to save the updated image.

For the document, I have no experience with that.
