Uncaught fatal error in SAML module

Mendix Modeler V6.7.1 SAML2.0 V1.9.5 compatable for Mendix modeler v6.2 and above   Issue: When we tried to use toggle button to Activate the "IDP Configuration" its throwing "Uncaught fatal error from thread [MxRuntimeSystem-action-dispatcher-85] shutting down ActorSystem [MxRuntimeSystem]" in Modeler console and We cant able to perform any action in application.  Please help to resolve this ASAP Steps we followed We have downloaded SAML module from Mendix appstore Included SAML startup microflow into already existing after Startup microflow We have included SAML overview snippet in the navigation and gave permission to administrator We have configured 'SP Configuration' tab and uploaded metadata file When we tried to use toggle button to Activate the "IDP Configuration" its throwing "Uncaught fatal error from thread [MxRuntimeSystem-action-dispatcher-85] shutting down ActorSystem [MxRuntimeSystem]" in Modeler console and We cant able to perform any action in application.        
2 answers

Have a look at https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/86721

Can you try removing the two userlibs mentioned if they're present in your application? I think I had this exact same error once and resolved it that way.


Hi Dennis,

I have removed the entire contents of userlib folder under /opt/app/mendix/application/model/lib/ and still getting the error.  any other specific jar files need to be removed?


