Approvals App

Hello, Need a starter help. Creating a new App using existing app template “Approvals”. On successful run first time (default template app without any changes) its homepage is displayed in browser and asking for login username/password. What would be the credentials.. how can I check what are the valid credentials setup by default? Where is the database stored on local for this app so that I can check for any username/password for app login? Attaching the screenshot. Please help.
2 answers

You won't find the passwords in the database, because these are encrypted for security reasons. But try MxAdmin with password probably ‘1’. You can check this in the modeler in the Project Explorer under Project → Security → tab Administrator. Under tab demo_users you will see some demo_users, if any are defined. Creating new users is done by logging into your app with any user having administration credentials.


Hi Jayant,


on the first run, check the credentials in the project security, or roles under the "demo users”


To check where the database is stored, go to the project settings:
