Allow users to choose datagrid columns

Hi, For a datagrid with lots of different attributes in it, I am looking for a way to have users select which columns they want to see. Ideally they would also be able export the view they created to Excel. I have tried using the List View Control widget to create this, but the list needs to be filled by a microflow, which is not possible with this widget. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks!  
2 answers

Well this is not something that is easily done. There is a widget however that could do this, the datatables widget:

It allows users to show and hide columns. A bit of a hassle to implement but it does the trick.


There is an idea in the idea forum asking for fundamental changes in listview, templategrid and datagrid. 8 monts ago they said that they are still working on it. Let’s hope that there will be a result soon.
