BPM functionalities in MENDIX

Good morning guys,  I am benchmarking some of the functionalities of Mendix in developing BPM applications against other platforms that are specialized in BPM. I am struggling with the following topics for which I am not really able to give a clear answer. As developing platform I would say that Mendix is capable to fulfill those requirements using microflows, isn’t it?  Does Mendix support BPMN 2.0 process modeling patterns? Does Mendix has capabilities that can listen for e-mail events, external system events, and process events? Is it possible to take control of the version of the processes? Is it possible to define a process repository with security settings in order to share them across different users? Is it possible to define business rules outside of the processes and modify them without touching the processes?  Thank you :)
2 answers

Mendix can, at the very least, do bullets two through 5. I won't comment on the first bullet – it may be that there is a library that covers this, but I am not familiar with it.

Note however, that Mendix is not a BPM tool, and comparing it with BPM tools may lead to weird conclusions. Mendix is a platform to visually create applications. It is an abstraction of Java. As such, what you are actually asking is: “Does Java support the following features”. The answer is: “Yes, but you will have to create all of this yourself, excluding functionality covered by libraries.” The same is true for Mendix: Mendix can support your bullets two through five, but you will need to create this functionality yourself. This is very different from buying a BPM tool that already has these functionalities included.


Thank you!
