Application not running on cloud.

Hi All, I am trying to run the application on cloud but it just shows resuming app. I am using free version (8.1.1). I checked the latest build output but didn’t find any issue listed there.  Can anyone please tell me what is the issue?
2 answers

Hi Apoorva Paranjape,

The mendix free app container goes to sleep after a while. Sometimes it just takes a few minutes to wake it up so that it can be used as usual again. I experienced wake-up times of up to 5 minutes.

If you are using an AfterStartup Microflow, check if it takes a lot of time. If so, this might be the reason why the app startup process is not pulling through.

Also check the mendix status – maybe there is maintenance being done for the free app containers.


Useful links:




For me this occurs  once in a week(Using Menidx 7.x.x)

But it resolved its own, after sometime. 
