Documentation Improvement using hover - Mendix Forum

Documentation Improvement using hover


When using the modeller for development, there are not much options to document things in mendix object.

There are sometimes when documentation is not there in some mendix objects like list view or data view. 

There should be more options to document things as it would be more helpful to learn new things about the project. This will also improve the first impression of the user towards mendix:

  1. There are multiple ways to do things but we often go with the best way, currently there is no way to document lot of things in mendix and there should be feature like  this in mendix so that all the things/workaround/tried things can be documented in Mendix object.
  2. There should be an option to view the document by just hovering over the Mendix object so that it is easier for the new commer or the on boarded member to come and view the documentation.
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