Export App Team and Node Permission for External Audit Compliance - Mendix Forum

Export App Team and Node Permission for External Audit Compliance


User Story
As a Software Development Executive I want to export the App Team user list, along with role, and node permissions for each Mendix Cloud Application environment. This will allow me to easily audit my users, their permissions, and group membership on a regular basis. In addition, I will be able to comply with external auditors, who require proof of audit completion, and the details of the users and permissions.

Acceptance Criteria 

A report / export with the following information:


User Roles
I would expect this feature to be limited to a specific user role within the Company. The export of this information should be limited to the Business Contact, or similar role, and not available to all users.
Use Case (Scenario or two)
eXp Realty LLC is a public company, and as such, we need to perform security audits on a regular basis. This is part of our control processes for Sarbanes Oxley Compliance. The easy export of this information would make this monthly audit a trivial task. Currently, I must take a screenshot of each page of the App Team (3 pages), and Node Permissions (3 pages). 

General Notes
Thinking about the compliance needs at a higher level, the ability to pick and choose which applications I want to export this data for, from one central screen would be outstanding. We have several applications on the way to production, and security review and management of all of them in a central location would be greatly appreciated.

Screen Shots from Cloud Management Node
Node Permissions


App Team with Role


2 answers


Seems similar and might go a bit further. Not just snapshots, but full changes. And API export.


Now that we have a company admin section, this feature would fit there. A place to select each app, and the details you need, which would result in an export, or printable report.

Critically important in our environment. Would love to see this get some sort of review from Mendix after two years in the suggestion bin.
