Make the microflow editor snappy and user friendly again - Mendix Forum

Make the microflow editor snappy and user friendly again



I've noticed – comparing modelers between Mx7 and Mx8 – the microflow editor became less snappy and less user friendly in Mx8. I'm a user who turns off all assists but I can't help to notice there is more of a delay when using the microflow editor in Mx8.

When in Mx7 I used to edit an action, typed ‘mic’ + enter in one go I would have selected a microflow call. In Mx8 when I type ‘mic’ + enter the list of actions is filtered, microflow call is highlighted, but I have to enter again because of the delayed filtering. This gets me out of my work flow.

In Mx7 I would right-mouse click inside an iterator and the first option would be ‘add’, the default action I would think. In Mx8 the first option is a greyed out ‘insert in flow’ which I personally would never use. You have to navigate to ‘add'. Another example of a change that gets me out of my work flow.

A few examples of additions/changes which are – in my opinion – no improvements.

A feature that would greatly help on the other hand would be to able to insert multiple actions into a microflow instead of one, or improved inserting of iterators.

Please keep improving the microflow editor and find a way to make things snappy again, and consider if new additions and features are also improvements UX-wise.

1 answers

A feature that would greatly help on the other hand would be to able to insert multiple actions into a microflow instead of one, or improved inserting of iterators.

I could also think of something like “building blocks” for microflows, eg. add automatically a retrieve and directly a count on the retrieved list etc. 

