Remove all classes, inline styling, design properties on this page function. - Mendix Forum

Remove all classes, inline styling, design properties on this page function.


When restyling a page into something that complies with the clients design system, the first 10 minutes consists of me getting rid of the current styling.

having a huge brute force remove all noise would save me a lot of time and troubleshooting.

3 answers

“Just like the buttons have their button-styles.”
I feel this interferes with the old-way and the new-way
same as horizontal or verticle labels of input fields.

my vision would be that anything that effects “UI” should be maintained in a central location.

but maybe this is a different Idea haha :D 


Inline styling and design properties indeed interfere with the styling defined in sass. For the classes, it might even be better to have a dropdown limited to the classes, ment for pages, that are available in sass. Just like the buttons have their button-styles.

*Edited after Jason’s response*

One central location would be nice, but Mendix is moving towards that central place being Studio. The latest Studio-versions have more and more ‘interfering’ properties.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’re referring to inline styling and design properties in page modelling right? Not getting rid of you Sass/CSS files?


Having a way to quickly get rid of ‘demo’-styling and unused or non-existent design properties in a quick way is definitely a time safer. Specifically when you think about all the time spend on just searching for the UI bugs and their causes. 
