Email features should be as easy to setup as it is in wordpress - Mendix Forum

Email features should be as easy to setup as it is in wordpress


My experience of setting up the forgot password flow has not been smooth.

my expectations were that it would be as easy as wordpress (download a single module, add a sending email address, done)

I feel that sending and receiving emails fits into the citizen developer/workflow mindset, if MX than asks you to create an amazon account and manage SMTP details, I feel that this is a miss match.

Let Mendix apps send emails with default settings.
Forgot password module should be part of the login/user management
Deeplink should also be default in the platform

not sure if my suggestions break anything, but mendix should be atleast on par with wordpress regarding these features

1 answers

Could you please try the new email service supported by Mendix? To large extent it addresses concerns raised by you.

With this service, we are heavy lifting SMTP, etc and developers just download and drag and drop component in Studio-pro, set keys for authentication and you are good to go.

It's free to try, please try out and share the feedback.
