Gamification to motivate users & boost application adoption - Mendix Forum

Gamification to motivate users & boost application adoption


Will be good if we can have a plug-n-play gamification widget which can work on certain pre-defined rules and configurations. This will motivate users by creating visibility via Leaderboard as use application and in return help company in better application adoption an

2 answers

Hi Melvin,


Pls. find my reply below. In short we are looking for plug and play component with certain standard configurations. LMK for more information.

  1. What kind of gamification elements are you looking for? Leaderboards, badges, points?

           [DM] – Yes, following is the high level thought i think of:

  • All different types of activities like Request Creation, Approval, Report Execution shall have weightage and points.
  • As user will use application, it will start building their activity score
  • System will automatically assign badge after scoring X points alike clearing level of game. Something alike Beginner, Frequent, Advanced, Expert etc..  
  • Leaderboard will show top users of this app. Shown below is from another non-Mendix application
  1. How are people currently aware of the existence of an application?
    [DM] – We apply formal change management via user training, teasers etc... to spread awareness about objective of using an application.

Hi Deepak, 

What kind of gamification elements are you looking for? Leaderboards, badges, points?
How are people currently aware of the existence of an application?
