Better to improve the start error message for FreeApp - Mendix Forum

Better to improve the start error message for FreeApp


When FreeApp fails to be started, Developer Portal > Environments guide to check the Logs. 

However, Logs are not supported for FreeApps.
The message should be modified like “Please, check the application configurations” or something like that to give useful information to users.


The error can be reproduced by publishing “SAP Blank App” project to Free Sandbox without modifying anything with Studio Pro 9.16.1.

2 answers

Hi Edwin, thank you for your comment.
I agree, it is ok if live log works.
However, if application start fails (deploy error?), live log is not enabled. I could not find way to see any logs.



I Agree message might be modified, but..

FreeApps have no historical logs to analyse startup problems, but there is the option to view the live log when deploying/starting app:

08:56:42SYSINFOStopping app with guid [guid]
08:56:42SYSINFOCell [cell] stopping instance [instance]
08:56:48APPINFOWaiting for the application to shutdown...
08:56:48SYSINFOStopping app with guid [guid]
08:56:48SYSINFOExit status 0
08:56:49SYSINFOUpdated app with guid [guid] ({"instances"=>1, "memory"=>2048})
08:56:58SYSINFO---> Mendix Cloud Foundry Buildpack v4.30.4 [aa045ff] staging...
08:56:58SYSINFO---> Check if Python dependencies need to be cached...
08:56:58SYSINFO---> Bootstrapping pip...
08:57:01SYSINFO---> Using bundled Python dependencies
08:57:01SYSINFO---> Installing Python dependencies to /tmp/app/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages...
08:57:04SYSINFO---> Finished installing Python dependencies
08:57:04SYSINFOPreflight check on Mendix version [] and stack [cflinuxfs3]...
08:57:04SYSINFOPreflight check completed
08:57:06SYSINFOUsage metering is enabled
08:58:17APPINFOM2EE: Initializing runtime...
08:58:17APPINFOCore: Mendix Runtime (build Copyright © 2003-2022 Mendix bv. All rights reserved.
08:58:17APPINFOM2EE: Initialized runtime.
08:58:17APPINFOM2EE: Creating Runtime server...
08:58:17APPINFOM2EE: Setting MaxFormContentSize for Runtime Server to 10485760
08:58:17APPINFOM2EE: Runtime server started.
08:58:24APPINFOCore: Mendix Runtime successfully started, the application is now available.
08:58:24APPINFOThe Mendix runtime has been fully started
08:58:26SYSINFOContainer became healthy
