Clickable Areas on Tiles/Cards in Cloud Home - Mendix Forum

Clickable Areas on Tiles/Cards in Cloud Home


When a user goes to Sprintr Home (, a user sees a bunch of tiles/cards. On these cards, a few things are clickable to take you to the project home: the icon and the app name take you to the project buzz, and the “Environments” text naturally takes you to the cloud environments of the app.


When a user goes to Cloud home (, it’s a very similar view, but only the “Environments” text is clickable. Also, the “watch” and “pin” buttons are missing. I think it’s quite confusing that the look-and-feel are almost the same, but the functionalit isn’t. I propose, at the very least, that the icon and app name be also clickable in Cloud home, but leading to the environments page instead of the project buzz (I did go to Cloud home, after all).

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