Deprecation of User Management API
Mendix is deprecating the current User Management API.
We would like to replace it with a new version which is more suited to the demands of our community and supports changes to the way users are managed which have been introduced over the past few years.
If you are currently using this API, or are interested in using a User Management API please contribute your use cases and wishes on this idea.
Note that we do not currently have a definite timescale for implementing a new User Management API.
Our use case is to improve governance. We are moving the entire user management to our central systems so we have more control on who gets access to what automatically, while logging access in an immutable storage, and providing limited time access that automatically revokes after a certain time period. This is all driven from security and developer experience.
One of the problems we are experiencing is that we cannot retrieve all the users in our company account and get their email as well. This is not directly possible through the User Identifier API and Projects API. We would like to have this option to improve the overall governance.
My wishlist as below:
1) Integration with Azure AD SSO
2) Once an AAD account is removed, ideal to be able to automatically remove account holder's access to the Mendix platform if he is an admin or a developer
3) Remove his access to applications developed on Mendix
4) Notify admin of such applications to follow up on any application-specific cleanup, where necessary
Hello All,
similar to what Ryan Groeneveld commented, We have audit cycles are our company and a part of those is a review of user's with access to Backups. We would like to have access through the api to create reports for this to review and documentation.
Hey @Ryan Groeneveld,
Yes I've seen - and actually the fact you are getting your private cloud app in this API is because Mendix have also a Public Mendix Cloud "Free" tier env deployed for you for this app. That is why you have a Technical Contact also. This happens when you use Sprintr web interface to create apps. We do not deploy apps via Sprintr anymore, we use our own CI/CD pipelines and / or Studio Pro, also mendix said they will fix this (status from September).
Long story short after struggle with Mendix support conclusion is:
So my 2nd requirement is not longer valid as per Deploy API v4 released. Nonetheless I would say it will be better to have USER management features in one endpoint/scope.
Hi Przemyslaw Pazik,
For you 2nd requirement, did you have a look at: Deploy API – Version 4 | Mendix Documentation?
using returns:
{ "apps": [ { "id": "c533ee0b-f7db-4e62-868b-1192d392ccec", "name": "My fabulous app", "licenseType": "free", "subdomain": "myfabulousapp", "technicalContact": { "userId": "jane.doe@domain.tld", "name": "Jane Doe", "status": "active" }, "region": "prod2-eu-central-1" } ], "pagination": { "offset": 60, "limit": 20, "size": 17 } }
In our company, compliancy is really important. We get internally audited periodically.
Important part is having the User Management in place, Platform and App wise. Therefor we've created an extension to Control Center to retrieve the users from the environments of the deployed apps, import the members from Control Center and compare this to the state of Active Directory accounts. Once an AD account linked to an app or member account, is disabled or removed, we report on it and take necessary actions.
Actually the app can do a lot more, as all relations between entities helps in Life Cycle Management, Container usage for the yearly contract negotiations, ect.
All the comments mentioned above have my vote as well.
In addition it would be great to retrieve which apps the user is technical contact or member of, licensed and free. This way we can also remove their projects or send out emails to cleanup from a housekeeping perspective. Only AppId and EnvironmentId would be fine, but more is great.
Having more of Control Center available as a Company Admin would be really helpful.
From the Export to excel in Control Center the following properties are available:
Internal members:
LastActivity would be a great addition.
External members:
Rank 1 offboarding automation is key.
Rank 2 development stage of user lifecycle
Rank 3 On boarding
I agree with Johan, Offboarding process is the most important use case.
In our use case it will be also needed to have the capability to search for users by OpenID to get user email address.
As the current endpoint provides list of ALL users in company, identified by OpenID. There is no documented way to get account details like email address for each profile and we are only able to check if employee still has active account by the e-mail address.
So either we will have an email address in the endpoint which get list of all users or a way to query system for profile details (including email) by accounts OpenID.
2nd requirement will be to provide a way to get either list of apps where user is a Technical Contact in this API or in the Deployment API. There is API to Change Technical Contact but there is NO WAY to get who is technical contact for an application via API.
The most important use-case for us is: offboarding of colleagues.
If somebody leaves our company, the automated offboarding process makes sure that access is properly denied from that moment on by deactivating their Mendix account.
This consists of two steps: check if account on e-mailaddress is created. If so: deactivate this Mendix account.
Execution of these steps is done using a service account.