Submit or save a form in a Mendix app using ENTER instead of clicking the button - Mendix Forum

Submit or save a form in a Mendix app using ENTER instead of clicking the button


I started developing my first Mendix apps and I noticed that a USER has to click the SAVE or submit button to commit his filled in forms. If you do not want to commit your filled in or edited form, you can click the CANCEL button or press the ESC key on your keyboard.


I think it would greatly improve the user experience, if a USER can press ENTER or CTRL + ENTER to save/submit his filled in forms. (Or another shortkey) As a new user myself, I really miss this feature and get a bit annoyed from having to click the SAVE button every single time.


Below an example of an new/edit form page:

Example of new/edit form page


In case I missed a setting in Studio Pro and this feature already exists, please let me know!

2 answers

Thank you!


Each of your input fields on the form has the following event options:

So you can trigger a flow from Enter key press for each one.

Or there is this component if you require more flexibility:

