I understand that Studio Pro is still in beta, but I've noticed a few issues that might need attention. It seems there's no scroll option for several elements. For instance, you can't scroll within popup windows, such as settings. The page with the Modal popup layout type also lacks a scroll feature. Most frustratingly, it's impossible to have the Debugger and Variable tabs visible at the bottom simultaneously. Occasionally, these tabs get stuck on the right side of the screen, and I have to restart Studio Pro to reset them.
Best regards
consider use Atlas_Default layout first for following the crash course, hoping it will be fixed soon
I have the same issue in windows version
Did they fix this bug in the latest version? I'm using 10.14 and still have this issue.
Have the same issue as Vitorio Tadao Kuroda.
Would be glad if there will be provided either fix or workaround.
This same problem occurs when we try to edit a page.
It is not possible to view the entire page. It is not possible to follow the "crash course" on mendix academy because of the lack of the vertical scroll.