Make Pagination show number of pages instead of number of items - Mendix Forum

Make Pagination show number of pages instead of number of items


Currently the pagination I have seen has shown the number of items and not the page numbers.
It would also be nice if we could change the location of the pagination (and controls).
I noticed this while working in 6.9 so it might have been updated.
maybe also a way to hide pagination if there is only a single page?


3 answers

for the people looking to put the pagination at the bottom of the page,{
	display: flex;
		order: 1;
		order: 2;
		order: 1;

and then just add the class “ap_controlbar-bottom" to your datagrid :D 


And if there is a big number of objects in the list, it can be helpful to be able to jump to a page somewhere in the middle.

That is also a feature seen a lot in pagination widgets (Zendframework for instance)


Maybe make it optional so you can choose between the current way and the one you're suggesting? Reason is that the current way does provide you with easy access to information about the total amount of records present in the datagrid.
