How to append dollar sign to decimal value.

Hii I want to append dollar sign in in input box when I enter value. I follow the steps to append dollar sign but it not works as they says put custom style in css file then I put css style in my custom file .dollarsign label:before, .dollarsign .mx-datagrid-data-wrapper:before {   content: "$";   padding-right: 3px; } and I put   dollarsign as a class in properties section.   and then compile custom css using koala but its not working. still not showing $ in the input box   I taken input box in data view where user can enter any value and the datatype of the attribute is decimal , so how can I do these like if user enter 1000 then it looks like $1000.
1 answers

Hi Shubam,

please check my answer here

Update your css like below for text box,

  content: "$"!important;
  position: absolute;
top: 9px;

