How to hide or remove No Items Found text from list view.

Hii, I have list view on my page and if we select class then the related text will be shown in that list view but at the starting time if we not selected any class then it shows No Items Found in browser but I dont want to show any text if we select class or not. It shows like these I used List view to show all selected entries so How we can hide or remove it.
2 answers

Hi Shubam,

Yes, you can hide this text by creating custom class for the listview and applying the below css to it . Add the newly created class to the listview

Create one custom class “MyListview” and add the below css in custom.scss file and compile this scss which will add this css in to custom.css file.

.MyListview> ul > {
  display: none; 


I hope this works for you


Hi Sathish,

The below documentation will guide you for compiling the scss file
