how can I get the MindSphere Data?

Hi all. I want to send the data from the device to Mindsphere to bring it back to Mendix.  As i don't have any equipment ready right now, I’m going to put any data in Mindsphere for testing, and  start with bringing that value to Mendix. (Tracking and location information that is loaded onto the map with virtual location information) Should I put any data in mindsphere through API? It is also believed that random data will soon become asset.  I'd like to know how to put in any data and how to get it in Mendix.  Please help me
2 answers

Hi Youna,

I did not try it myself but there are couple of learning paths in Mendix Academy that demonstrates how to Build a MindSphere app with Mendix and Build a MindSphere App - Continued. Please have a look into them to more details, if you are new to developing app in Mendix than I will recommend to go through some basic learning paths before looking into mindSphere learning paths, 


Hope this helps! 


Hi Youna,


If your device is not delivering data, you can also ingest data via API call. The time series API introduced in the learning path has a PUT command as well. Within Mendix you need than a JSON file and an Export Mapping (I guess there is a tutorial in the academy about Export Mapping as well).
