Change Button Style Dropdown

Hi, is it possible to change the button style dropdowns that are given in studio pro. We would like to set up standard ones for use throughout the app  
3 answers

I believe you are asking if you can add your own styles to the dropdown, such as ButtonStyleBen.  If that is the case, I do not believe it is possible to modify the values in this list.  You can of course customize what Default, Primary, Danger, Etc represent from a style perspective. 


With that being said, there might be a configuration file stored with the styles if you look through the folder structure of Studio Pro, and that might be a way to add to the dropdown.  It has to be stored somewhere.


Hi, in case you are using the Dropdown widget you can customize its color by creating a custom class that targets the select element.

.my-class {
  select {
    background-color: red;

// CSS
.my-class select {
  background-color: red;






If I understand correctly you want to change the options for buttons in the Button style selector? If that’s correct you can try changing the configuration in a settings.json file located in your theme folder.

This is jut an example fo the parameters you can configure for a given widget

    "description":"Choose one of the following styles to change the appearance of the data grid.",
    "name":"Hover style",
    "description":"Enable data grid hover to make the rows hoverable.",
    "name":"Row size",
    "description":"Increase or decrease the row spacing of the data grid row.",

