How to control the Request State Size Threshold limit warning ?

Hey folks,                In our application, we are working with huge data’s and getting this data from data lake in runtime. So we are doing some mapping process between two entities. So we created the helper objects and doing the mapping process in runtime. To avoid the auto-commit objects, we externally committed the helper objects in the database (Count will differ based on the user selection like  5000 to 60000 objects we will create and doing the mapping process). Then we process the objects and convert them into JSON format for plotting the Charts using the Anychart widget. We used microflows as a data source for the AnyChart widget. Problem is, it takes more time to navigate from one wizard page to another wizard page. When I check the logs in the console, it shows the warning message of RequestStateSize threshold limit. Why it's showing this error? What causes the pages to load slowly?  I have set the Threshold limit to 15000 in Project settings. Even it getting an error if it reaches the 15000 limits and throwing the error.     Updated :               I solved this threshold issue. Previously, I could not understand this StateSizeWarningThresholdlimit. After some workaround about garbage collection which is the reason for this issue. If we have any uncommitted objects which are created in runtime. All the objects will occupy some memory and they could not garbage collected properly. if we commit all the objects which we created in runtime, will solve this StateSizeWarning issue. Thanks, Arunkumar Sampath for sharing this documentation, which helps a lot.  
1 answers

Hi Vijayabharathi,

The following Forum answer will help you

