How to implement WebPushNitification for Web Application to be hosted on PCF

I have a requirement to send notification alert to machine which has opened the url of my application. I did found link of app in the AppStore( which claims to provide this functionality. However, It is not working as expected. There is quick start guide for the usage of this module which states  1. Configure Security:     for users to be able to subscribe and receive notifications they need the NotificationReceiver module role 2. Add WebPushSnippet to a page or layout where users can subscribe to notifcations. 3. In a microflow create a notification then send it to a specifc user     the user needs to subscribe before they can receive notifications I followed the above step but not sure where I am going wrong. I have below questions that might help. For receiving Push Notification do we have to run the app in production mode? Since, my application is meant for Internal users usage, I wish to run my application without any security login. However to follow the instruction 1 , I did enabled the security and running it production mode.  As part of step 3, I have create a microflow button action on my page . In the microflow, I am creating a notification and sending the notification using the create basic notification and send notification widgets as show below. I am not sure if this is the way it is expected.   create basic notification: Send Notification:   Any suggestion how can we get it working ?
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