How to activate a user through OTP?

Hi community, I am developing an app where it allows users to register by entering their details such as phone number, email address etc. After clicking on the register button the user should receive an OTP to his entered mobile number when he was registering. The received OTP should be authenticated. Does anyone have knowledge on this? If yes please help me out with this! Any suggestions are highly appreciated! Note: I have explored different docs regarding the useful modules for this. It will be more helpful if you share the step by step process. Thanks in advance!
2 answers

Hi Chandhana


We have twilio Module in App store which will send a OTP to verify the Phone Number.

This Module is useful in your use case. There is step by step details in Module documentation.

In Simple Steps 

  1. Need to register for twillio with your Phone Number to get Account SID , Token Etc..
  2. Module Already have the sample microflows to send OTP and Verify.
  3. You can add multiple phone numbers to your account too(It will work only if phone number register or linked to your twillio account).
    Note: This is fee trail and limited services.
    Hope this helps. Thank you.

Hi really not very good support available for mendix developer What happened in future I don’t know
