how can i assign value ($entity/name) to a lable and same in text widget?

Hi Everyone, i am bit new to mendix and wanted to check if i can assign values to a lable instead of just constant string also i wanted to try out assign value to text widget to (just to achieve dynamic values) like in Single Case page i could put a headline ( Case Details for : + $entity/caseid)  and it could rendered like “Case Details for 123” in heading. right now i can only use text boxes to assign such values.   any pointer regarding this ?   
2 answers

Yes you can give parameters to the text widget. See details in the documentation here:

For label, see this

Its same in both cases and pretty simple. Just write your text with placeholders for values e.g.,
This is first value: {1}, this is second value: {2}
You can specify attributes for the {1} and {2} placeholders so when you open the page you will see these placeholders in text being replaced by dynamic values from the attributes of entity


as per Umar and me too. Hope this screenshot will make your work easy. 
