Updating context object for conditional editability navigates to top of page

Hi all,  I am trying to create a form snippet with a couple of steps and buttons (edit, save, next). I use a context object to remember at which step the user is at, and with this parameter I set up conditional editability and visibility to only show the entry fields that are needed at the specific steps.  The functionality works, only whenever I update this context parameter it makes the page jump to the top. I can't do without this context object and have no idea how to build this otherwise. Could anyone point me in the right direction to fix this issue?
2 answers

There are a couple of widgets that might help you. For mobile use this one:

Native custom ScrollView https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/116738


Scroll To Anchor https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/2583





You can try using a hash in url to link to an element with the id in the hash.

A possible better approach is to make this part in front-end with JavaScript and local storage. You don’t need to refresh the context object and at the end of the steps you can process this data.
