Display custom domain in URL in browser

Hi all, Apologies in advance for what I’m sure is a very simple solution.  I have a custom domain for an application, myapp.customdomain.com, and I would like to show that in the URL bar in the browser, instead of appname.mendixcloud.com.  How do I do this please? Thanks EDIT: I have the custom domain working fine and people can use it to visit the site, it's just that when they are logged in, the URL changes to the *.mendixcloud.com one. I want users to alway see *.customdomain.com
2 answers

Hey, if you go to your sprintr > app > environment > custom domain

here you define the custom domains that you have and will be able to make your own domain work with your application




Hi Ben,

Like Geoffrey is was under the impression this should work out of the box.

I believe you can configure additional runtime settings. Try ‘ApplicationRootUrl ‘ with the desired URL?

