Do action right after user signs in

Hi all   I need to know how to call microflow right after user has signed in to my application, as I want to check if a token is still valid and if not retrieve that token immediately. I tried the sign in function in a nanoflow but I don’t know how to pass the textbox values of username and password there. If I use a sign in button I can’t say it should open a nanoflow right after. I’m stuck.   How can I achieve this exactly?   Thanks
5 answers

The Nanoflow sign in action can be used to sign someone in, from a page where the user specifies the username & password in “normal”  input textboxes. These should be within a dataview connected to a non-persistable entity with two attributes; UserName and Password. ← in other words; completely self-build custom sign in behavior.

Solution you could use is; use the default/userrole home page. Change this to call microflow and model your magic to check the token. after your magic, open the page of your liking as homepage


Not sure what use case is making you need to check the token, but here is one option to explore:

  • in StudioPro in your project explorer go to Navigation
  • as Home page select a microflow instead of a page. (can also be done per specific userrole)
  • do your thing

You can use after start-up microflow under Settings-Runtime. However, if you allow anonymous users, then this will be fired even before the user signs in


Also there is a widget "Signin Microflow” that could help in your case ( not sure if it works in Mx9. 



After login to a Mendix app the username entered in the login form is in $currentUser/Name. The password is stored as hash in Mendix, but is a hash of what was typed in the login form. If you need the values as entered in the login form (the page where the user does not have a Mendix session yet, except for anonymous users redirected from the index page), you can send the form values to Mendix by an ajax REST call from the login page with a little Javascipt code and store them connected to the account for later retrieval in a microflow after login.
