How can I make the email field clickable

Hi,   I have a datagrid which is connected to a client entity, that has an email attribute. Now it is only displaying the email address. But I want that to be clickable so that it opens the users email client. At the moment I have an action button that points to a microflow configured with mailgun. But that's not really what my user wants.   Any pointers would be appreciated, thanks
4 answers

You can’t du that with the out of the box DataGrid. But you could use DataGrid 2. There you can have buttons (formated as link) inside your datagrid.


Ah, thanks for the reply. Another reason to switch to datagrid 2



What does your user want? If, logged in as PersonX, your user wants to send an email to the email-adres that is showing up in a datagrid-row, then adding a microflow-button to the datagrid’s button bar will do. That microflow can prepare an email having the datagrid-row’s email in ‘to’ and PersonX’s email-adress in ‘from’, and fill subject and body as you like it and send the email using the email-sending functionality that you have already in your app.

If your app does not yet have an email-sending service, your best bet is EmailService.


So in conclusion. I figured it out with your help Andreas and Tim. I used datagrid 2 and put a link button with parameter email in a datalist view in a row. Now the email is displayed and pressing it opens your email client. Works like a charm. Now I just have to figure out how to style this so that the row arent squashed in the left corner….


