Retrieve Application Title

Hi there, Is there an option to retrieve the application title so that we can show this on a page?  I mean the page title you enter within the navigation profile. Of course we can do that with a constant but that is not dynamic enough for us as this functionality must become part of our boilerplate app.    
2 answers

Hi Edgar,

Unfortunately, there isn't a clean way to achieve this, as far I am aware.

However, you might be interested in posting an idea to make it possible to use expressions in the application title. 

Not only will this enable us to retrieve the page title but also to configure the application title dynamically. It would allow us to set ‘Accp-’ or ‘Test-’ within the application title.


Hi Edgar,

It looks like the application name is used inside the <title> tag in the head of the page.

The title tag seems to consist of <Applicationname> – <Page title>

I think you might be able to use some custom JS to separate the application name from there.

