Seems that you want an edit feature and this is easily achievable using the default Edit of Mendix. So if you double click on any of the record , that specific object can be opened in a page (or whatever logic you’ve triggered on the double click)
An Edit or your own custom logic to open page with that specific record may be more suited.
NOTE – when you set a button of Control bar of data grid to IsDefault → true, that button click is triggered on double click of an object
Hope this helps!
Adding Hyperlink in Datagrid is not possible as far as I know. But, You can do that in Datagrid2 using its Custom Content feature in which any widget can be used.
You can refer this for more details
Radhika's option is the best if you would like to edit the object in a new page.
If you want to open an external web page by clicking a data grid row you could add an action button to the data grid with an ‘open link’ on click event. You can assign a static URL or even use an attribute. Then you set this button to be the default button of the data grid and alter the data grid settings to use a single click as the default button trigger.
If you do not want to show this button, you can use styling options to hide it.