Open pages in new tab or (popup) slider

Hellow members, Small question. Is it possible to open rows (detailpages) from a data grid in new pages/tabs? Example: I have a data grid from an entity cars with a few objects. Each car has a detailpage. Multiselect is enabled. Is it possible by multiselecting to open all objects at once in different tabs? Atm my “View” button goes to one detailpage.  I hope my question is clear. Thank you in advance! Greetings,   Mike
3 answers

Hi Mike,

I created a sample and below are screenshots to guide you through this:

1- This is a sample page details to check the cars 

2- I call a nanoflow from the Open Details button, I added a loop to create the links depending on selection, in mine I used helper with the selection and inside the loop a microflow to create links

3- the microflow that we call inside the loop to generate the link of the deeplink that was already configured inside the deeplink module:

4- deeplink microflow:






Nour explains it well, using the deeplink module. Though if the deeplink module isn't yet part of the model, it would be worth to use the page URL's as deeplink. 

Page property config

/{id} represents the object ID of the dataview context object


Create a nanoflow which is triggered onclick




Hi Mike,


You can use both deeplink and open url activity, first create a deeplink  of that has your car object as a parameter to pass it, and add your logic of opening your detailed page.
inside that button that you will click on when you select multiple add objects use a nanoflow to be able to use the open url from the nanoflow community  :
1. add a loop to iterate over the selected cars
2. first activity in the loop, create the deeplink url of each object iterator 
3. call the open url activity ( if the community nanoflow does not allow open new tab, you can modify it or create similar to your own as a best practice) I created similar to my own to open a new tab before.



