Autosearch for filters in datagrid - instead of clicking on search

Hello everyone, I have filters in the top row of a datagrid. However I want the search input fields to automatically search when the user inputs a value instead of having to first click on “Search”. Is that even possible or do I need an external datagrid widget for this functionality?  See the image below – e.g. the user types in a name and then has to click on the search button for the results to appear.
2 answers

Hi Markus,

This in not included in the default functionality of the data grid. What you could do however.

- Set the datagrid in a dataview with Search Helper as entity.

- On the search helper entity create te attributes you want to search for (First name/ Last name) etc.

- When opening the page create an object of this helper entity, with all values empty

- Remove the current search fields in the datagrid

- Set text boxes for the attributes where you want to look for.

- Set an on change microflow for when a value is entered where you set a commit activity for the helper entity. You don't commit the entity but only refresh in the client.

- Set the datagrid source to Microflow and in the DS microflow, create a retrieve where you used the values of the helper to search objects in the database.

Hope this helps!


It is not possible with the out of the box data grid. You will have to create custom or use an external widget to achieve this.
